
The WOWability Factor

Creating those exceptional experiences that keep them coming back… again and again!

Did you know studies indicate that by the year 2020, the customer experience will overtake product and price? Improving the customer experience is a huge opportunity to rise above your competitors and differentiate your business from the pack. Customer service is not just a department anymore. It’s an entire culture.

  • How to differentiate yourself from the competition
  • 5 levels of service – Wretched to WOW
  • 6 steps to WOW service that creates brand ambassadors

The Leader of Exceptional Cultures

Guiding a culture that embraces exceptional service.

Did you know that 93% of employees who feel valued are more willing to do their very best for their employer? Leaders who empower and involve employees, and who model a clear vision, enjoy the benefits of an exceptional culture capable of providing WOW service… externally and internally.

  • How to create a service vision that inspires your team
  • Aligned leadership vs. discombobulated leadership
  • Empower employees who value and live your culture

The Customer’s Quiet Journey

The non-verbal experiences your customer faces are POWERFUL!

Did you know that 93% of your first impression is non-verbal? The message you send through body language and tone of voice can be sabotaging your ability to connect with and retain customers. Make every aspect of your customer’s journey exceptional from the time they visit your site to calling your office, to visiting your company. Consider what they see, hear, and feel.

  • What’s your customer’s first impression
  • What are the non-verbals that your customer experiences
  • Could you be sending unintended messages to your customers or your team

Ready to get started?

Book a free 30 minute strategy call to discuss your strengths, challenges, and next steps to building a world-class culture.

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